2 Common Mistakes That Many Men Make During A Divorce
It is not secret that going through a divorce is hard. Even though it is hard for both men and women, the challenges are different for each. Here are some challenges that are more common for men going through a divorce, and what you can do to make it easier:
1. Don't Leave The Home Until You Have An Agreement
One of the biggest mistakes that men make is leaving the house before they have an actual separation agreement. The concern is that when you abandon the house, and especially when you leave the kids, it will look like you don't think that there is care if your responsibility. Then when it comes time to look at custody, it will appear as though you left your family in a time of need, and it won't look like you cared about your children during that time.
This is also true for the time during the separation agreement. You need to see the kids and be as involved as you can be during that time. This is because the judge will look at your behavior during that time to determine what the custody agreement should be. If you were involved and did everything you could to prove that you want to be a part of your kid's life and they need you, you will be more likely to get a better custody agreement.
2. Don't Hide Assets
As you near your divorce, you might be tempted to take assets, bank accounts, or money that you have and hide them. It is not uncommon for men to feel like they lose a lot of money in a divorce. So in the process, you may feel like to keep things that you feel belong to you, you don't report them on the discovery and facts of the case. This is a big mistake; in the end, all of the finances are usually discovered, and if it looks like you were trying to hide anything it could reflect poorly on your case and could hurt you more.
Instead, plan on everything being split down the middle. Your assets, your debts, your retirement, and pension will be split. There is no way around it, so instead, just plan on it. Then if something does happen and you can get more, that is great! But it shouldn't be planned on.
These are two common things that men do that can hurt them during a divorce. Contact a family law attorney for more information and assistance.